Steering Innovation: Leadership’s Role in Tech Companies
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Steering Innovation: Leadership's Role in Tech Companies
Namratha Peddisetty,
Consultant, Dell Technologies
It is necessary to have effective leaders in determining the enclosure of new products in technology organizations because of increased competition. This is why leaders also have the major responsibility of fostering organizational creativeness and flexibility. They contribute towards innovation by implementing the policies that encourage teamwork, support taken of risks in new ideas and ensure resources are placed in a way that supports innovation. The present paper explores the crucial roles of leadership in managing technological development issues, and possibly nurturing innovations. Some of the issues discussed include the delegation of authority to teams, cross functional integration and sustaining mechanisms which provide organizations with long term direction. Drawing from examples of tech leaders, the paper demonstrates how these leaders have influenced change and the need to be forward-looking.
Leadership and Innovation, Adaptive Strategies, Product Innovation Strategies, Innovation in Tech Companies, Leadership in Technology, Driving Innovation, Innovation Leadership Roles, Creative Leadership in Tech.