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- Create Date 5 January 2025
- Last Updated 5 January 2025
1st Mrs M Vasuki 1*, ,2rd S. Harshini2 and 3th M. Nova Selin3,
1Associate Professor, Department of computer Applications, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry 605008, India
2Post Graduate student, Department of computer Applications, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry 605008, India
3Post Graduate student, Department of computer Applications, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry 605008, India
*Corresponding author’s email address:
Digital asset management systems (DAMS) handle different media data in a compressed and encrypted form. It is essential to watermark these compressed encrypted media items in the compressed-encrypted domain itself for tamper detection or ownership declaration or copyright management purposes. Attempting steganography technique is such a randomized bit stream can cause a poor degradation of the media quality. Thus it is important to choose an encryption scheme that is both secure and will allow watermarking in a predictable manner in the compressed encrypted domain. we propose a rainbow algorithm to watermark images and documents.
We suggest using a stream cipher as the encryption algorithm. Although the suggested method embeds the watermark in the compressed-encrypted domain, the decrypted domain can be used to extract the watermark. Using the following watermarking schemes, we thoroughly examine the suggested algorithm's embedding capability, robustness, perceptual quality, and security: Spread Spectrum (SS), Scalar Costa Scheme Quantization Index Modulation (SCS-QIM), and Rational Dither Modulation (RDM).
KEYWORDS: Encryption, Steganography techniques, Rainbow Algorithm.