Study of Chest X-rays to Analyse Thorax Diseases using Deep Learning Framework
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- Create Date 14 April 2023
- Last Updated 14 April 2023
Study of Chest X-rays to Analyse Thorax Diseases using Deep Learning Framework
Sudarshan Adhav1, Rohit Borse2, Riya Gujarathi3, Madhuri Kubade4, Prof. Priyanka Khalate5
12345Department of Computer Engineering, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Vadgaon(Bk.), Pune
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University
Abstract— When a patient's doctor suspects they have a lung ailment, one of the first tests they frequently have is a chest X-ray. Sometimes vital information regarding the sickness is missed by radiologists or restorative inspectors. It takes a lot of time to find the sickness' manifestations when these x-beams are reexamined. In this study, we demonstrate how to diagnose thoracic problems using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). We begin by matching the interest points on the photos to align them. The dataset is then expanded using the theory of Gaussian scale space. The larger dataset is then used to train a deep CNN model in the following step. The larger dataset is then used to train a deep CNN model in the following step. Then, more recent test data that we have are diagnosed using the model. Our research demonstrates how effective our strategy is at producing quality outcomes.
Keywords–image classification, machine learning, imageprocessing, neural network.