Telematics – Evolution of Stolen Vehicle Tracking Solutions in Automotive Engineering
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Telematics – Evolution of Stolen Vehicle Tracking Solutions in Automotive Engineering
Suresh Sureddi
Abstract: The automotive industry has transformed drastically over the past two decades with the advancements in IoT, connectivity and Artificial intelligence (AI). Among the connectivity features, technologies for stolen vehicle tracking are continuously evolving as the battle between the car thieves and those committed to protect the vehicle theft is ongoing. This article first details the evolution of stolen vehicle tracking technologies, provides insights into the one of the typical early architectures of Stolen vehicle tracking system using GPS + GSM+ Immobilization technique and then provides the details of latest security technologies like IoT and LPWAN to recover stolen vehicles.
Keywords: Connected Vehicles, Stolen vehicle Tracking, GPS (Global Positioning System), GSM (Global System for Mobile), Internet of Things (IoT), Connectivity, CAN (Controller Area Network), TCU (Telematics Control Unit), Artificial Intelligence.