Trade – A Study of Economic conditions of small Traders during Tippu’s Era (1751-1755) in Mysore, Issues
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- Last Updated 20 July 2024
Trade - A Study of Economic conditions of small Traders during Tippu’s Era (1751-1755) in Mysore, Issues
YLV Reddy, Content Writer & Researcher
ABSTRACT: The extent of business Trade industry was idle during Tippu’s Rule of Mysore State, both in terms of buyers and choice of products available on market. From a historical perspective this can be explained by a number of factors such as the growing prosperity in society, Laws, Volatility and Spread new modes of communication and a rapid growth in population, a platform for Economic Sustainability, Global reach, Market strategy to build and re-build, flora, fauna, Sustainability, Customer friendliness and vice versa.
With Economic diversity in Local Markets in and around Mysore, you can define multiple stakeholders involved in different ways to suit Stake-holder’s methods and ideas to the rural society.
With lot of fluctuation of Cash/ Ana’s in Markets, Cash-flow, Cash-in-hand, Goods Management, it’s our ease to re-shape a small Trader’s growth with prosperous funds-flow, Balance sheet, Manging the Trade in unanimous way to reach the heights with re-usability.
Keywords: Economic diversity, Economic Sustainability.