Use Of Digital Technology For Micro Irrigation System To Improve Water Efficiency Of Irrigation Sector(Using IoT, ML and Cloud Computing)
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- Create Date 4 June 2023
- Last Updated 4 June 2023
Use Of Digital Technology For Micro Irrigation System To Improve Water Efficiency Of Irrigation Sector(Using IoT, ML and Cloud Computing)
Shivam Kishor Patange1, Rushikesh Madhav Sagare2, Shivam Govindrao Mahalanakar3, Assistant Prof. Sachin Trankatwar4
1Shivam Kishor Patange, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, VPKBIET, Baramati
2Rushikesh Madhav Sagare, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, VPKBIET, Baramati
3Shivam Govindrao Mahalankar, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, VPKBIET, Baramati
4Assistant Prof. Sachin Trankatwar, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, VPKBIET, Baramati
Abstract - The bulk of the people in India is dependent on agriculture. Due to climate change and the steady loss of natural resources, water resources should be used for farming in an effective and exact manner. By suggesting an Internet of Things (IoT) based system for automated smart drip irrigation and monitoring, this research aims to automate the laborious operation. With the aid of sensors, it will decide whether and when to turn on or off the watering pump and water flow through drip irrigation in accordance with weather, soil, and crop conditions. This has the ability to regulate the amount of moisture in the cultivating field's soil.This has the ability to regulate the amount of moisture in the cultivating field's soil. The Idea is to create such a solution which will be able to collect, store and process the environmental values to make decision depending upon them respectively. Initialising with sensing the moisture and humidity values using the sensors. Which will send those values to the cloud via IOT technology, which will be processes there. And finally decided whether to turn on or off the motor. This will provide an efficient as well as long term solution for this problem.
Key Words: Drip Irrigation, IoT, NodeMCU, ESP8266, ML, Decision, Cloud Computing