Veoir-Eye (3D Visualizer) using Augmented Reality
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- Create Date 6 May 2023
- Last Updated 6 May 2023
Veoir-Eye (3D Visualizer) using Augmented Reality
Amrutha Sai Tammina1 · Roshan Tejavath1 · Roshan Vemana1 · Meenakshi Voorukonda1 · Anjusha Pimpalshende1
Abstract—Large household items like furniture, interior decors, lab equipment, kitchenware, etc. last for many years. Hence, it is important for one to carefully choose such items based on their interior space and taste. These items cost a fortune, so it is important to select those wisely rather than regretting later. An application which enables the user to visualize the product that is yet to be bought in real time in their desirable space removes the clutter and promotes a better selection. This can be tackled with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. So, with this feature, our application aims at providing realistic shopping experience online and gives a better vision of the product and its suitability with user space.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, e-commerce, multiple objects visualizer