International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management

An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata
The journal follows the UGC Guidelines and is evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Science
ISSN: 2583-6129

Impact Factor: 7.839


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  • Create Date 3 April 2023
  • Last Updated 3 April 2023





ROLL NO. 1906417












Human weight is distributed unevenly in unhealthy person .So to improve it , a proper balancing of weight distribution on human foot is required . Therefore, an Ergonomically designed shoe is mandatory. This work moves forward towards  identifying the uneven distribution of weight on feet and would proceed towards identifying the disease using deep learning in MATLAB & also proceed to changes in shoe design concerning with acupressure points specific for a person .

Ergonomics involves designing the workplace to fit the needs of the user rather than trying to make the user adjust to the product. Ergonomics uses anthropometrical data to determine the optimum size, shape and form of a product, and make it easier for people to use. Ergonomists can help to identify which user characteristics should be taken into account during designprocess. An ergonomically designed shoe, which includes anatomical arch support, will keep feet in the proper position and shape to be fully functional and pain-free. Ergonomic soles help in reducing pressure on the heel and avoid shocks on the entire body, helping alleviate long-term foot, back and knee pain.An ergonomic sole provides extra protection by cushioning, contouring and supporting the foot. This increases blood circulation and reduces muscle strain. By reducing fatigue in feet ,thereby , reducingoverall body fatigue.Efforts to meet this concern are further multiplied by the critical factors to be considered in the design of each shoe: shock absorption, flexibility, fit, traction, sole wear, breathability, weight, etc.

A firm arch that is too high will be painful. A soft arch that foot compresses will not provide long term relief. As the arch of the foot is squeezed against the upper, the upper pushes back against the arch. That force against the arch could cause pain. In this case, again, the more likely cause of the pain is the width, not arch supports. Incorrectly sized arch supports can cause restrictions in one’s foot movement and force   to accommodate the awkward position, putting extra pressure on the midsole and causing more pain. Worn-out insoles will no longer provide the correct support to the feet and could cause more harm than good. High-heel is the target because of the marketing value and the challenge for ergonomics. The center of gravity of the subject should be aligned with the heel region of the foot. Most of the body weight is concentrated at the heel region, then metatarsal region and the toes.When we walk, most of our weight passes from the heel, along the outside of the foot, then across the ball of the foot, and to the big toe. The big toe is a push-off point for the next stride. A number of authors and researchers have estimated the mean percentage plantar weight distribution of body weight in the standing position as 57 percent on the heel and 43 percent on the forefoot and arch.The posture while standing should look like a straight line from the ankle to the hip to the shoulder. One should slightly bend the knees to prevent cutting off circulation to the legs andshould hold the weight of body mostly on the balls of feet. One feet should also be about shoulder-width apart .

Taking all this features , the weight distribution at acupressure points on foot need to be calculated.  In this direction, this dissertation contains the work for measuring the weights on human foot at different points, which will help in ergonomic design of shoe. I also helps in proper material selection or composite sole for shoe. This will also help in diagnosing the disease and its treatment in further course.


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