International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management

An International Scholarly || Multidisciplinary || Open Access || Indexing in all major Database & Metadata
The journal follows the UGC Guidelines and is evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Science
ISSN: 2583-6129

Impact Factor: 7.839

Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy for the International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management (ISJEM)

The International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management (ISJEM) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarly excellence in the field of engineering and management. Our peer review process is designed to ensure the quality, validity, and originality of the manuscripts submitted for publication. Peer review plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity and credibility of our journal.

Types of Peer Review: ISJEM employs a double-blind peer review process to evaluate the submitted manuscripts. This ensures that both the authors and the reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process.

Selection of Reviewers: Reviewers for ISJEM are selected based on their expertise, experience, and reputation in the relevant field. The editorial board is responsible for appointing reviewers with a commitment to maintaining objectivity, impartiality, and confidentiality.

Review Criteria: Manuscripts submitted to ISJEM are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Originality: The significance and novelty of the research contribution.
  2. Methodology: The appropriateness and rigor of the research design and methodology.
  3. Clarity: The clarity and coherence of the manuscript, including the organization, language, and presentation of results.
  4. Contribution: The contribution of the research to the existing body of knowledge in the field.
  5. Validity: The soundness of the research, including data analysis and interpretation.

Review Process:

  1. Upon submission, manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editorial board to assess their alignment with the journal’s scope and basic quality standards.
  2. Suitable manuscripts are then assigned to at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area.
  3. Reviewers are given a specific timeframe to complete their evaluation, providing constructive comments and recommendations to the authors.
  4. The editorial board considers the reviewers’ feedback and makes a final decision on acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  5. Authors are provided with the reviewers’ comments, and if revisions are required, they are invited to submit a revised version of their manuscript.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: Reviewers are expected to treat the manuscripts and their content with strict confidentiality. The double-blind peer review process ensures that both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous during the evaluation.

Ethical Considerations: Reviewers are required to adhere to ethical standards and disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may compromise the integrity of the review process.

Timeliness: ISJEM is committed to maintaining a timely review process. Reviewers are expected to submit their evaluations within the stipulated timeframe, allowing for efficient and expeditious publication.

Appeals: Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions. Appeals should be submitted in writing email to, accompanied by a detailed response to the reviewers’ comments and the editor’s decision.


ISJEM values feedback from both authors and reviewers to continually enhance the peer review process. The editorial board periodically reviews and updates the peer review policy to align with best practices and industry standards.

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