Publication Procedure
Publication Procedure – Publication Process
The International Scientific Journal of Engineering & Management (ISJEM) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and case studies in the fields of engineering, management, science and other multi-disciplinary subjects. Here is the publication procedure for ISJEM:
Manuscript preparation: The authors are required to prepare their manuscript according to the journal’s guidelines for manuscript formatting, which can be found on the journal’s website.
Initial submission: The authors should submit their manuscript through the online submission system.
Initial review: The manuscript will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief or an associate editor to determine if it is appropriate for the journal and if it meets the journal’s standards.
Peer review: If the manuscript is deemed suitable for the journal, it will be sent to reviewer for a double-blind review. The reviewer will provide feedback on the manuscript and make recommendations for revisions or rejection.
Revisions: If revisions are required, the authors will need to make the necessary changes and resubmit their manuscript.
Final acceptance: If the manuscript is deemed suitable for publication, it will be accepted for publication.
Publication: The manuscript will be published in the current/next available issue of the journal.
Note: The whole process may take 1-2 days from the initial submission till final publication. Also, the authors will be responsible for paying the publication fee after the acceptance.