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Publication Topics
Publication Topics – Research Paper Topics
Aim: The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights on sustainable engineering and management practices, and to contribute to the advancement of the field.
Scope: The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to Sustainable engineering practices in various fields, including but not limited to civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering. Sustainable management practices, including sustainable supply chain management, sustainable project management, and sustainable operations management. Sustainable development and its impact on engineering and management practices.
The International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management (ISJEM) publishes articles in the fields of engineering, management, science and other multi-disciplinary subjects. Some of the specific topics that the journal covers include in the following:
Multidisciplinary Subjects
Aeronautical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Agriculture Engineering Automobile Engineering Bio Technology Bio medical Engineering Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer science & Engineering Earthquake Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & Communications Engineering Environmental Engineering Fire Engineering Food Technology Forensic science & Technology Genetic Engineering Industrial Engineering Information Technology Instrumentation Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Marine Engineering Material Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Nanotechnology Network Engineering Nuclear Engineering Ocean Engineering Petroleum Engineering Polymer Engineering Production Engineering Rubber Technology Safety Engineering Software Engineering Space Technology Telecommunication Engineering Textile Engineering Transportation Engineering
Biotechnology Management Brand Management Business Analytics Business Process Management Communication Management Construction Management Co-operative Management Customer Relationship Management Dairy Management Design Management Disaster Management Energy Management Entrepreneurship Management Environment Management Event Management Export Management Facility Management Fashion Management Finance Management Healthcare Management Hospital Management Hotel Management Human Resource (HR) Management Industrial Management Infrastructure and Real Estate Management IT Management Knowledge Management Logistics Management Luxury Management Marketing Management Oil and Gas Management Operations Management Product Management Production Management Project Management Quality Management Retail Management Risk Management Rural Management Shipping Port Management Sports Management Strategic Management Supply Chain Management Telecom Management Textile Management Tourism Management
It is important to note that the journal’s scope is not limited to the above-mentioned topics, and it welcomes submissions on other topics that fall within the broad field.
Publishing a research paper can have many advantages for researchers, including: Career advancement, professional recognition, opportunities for collaboration, increased visibility,...
Developing a research paper involves several steps including: choosing a topic, conducting background research, formulating a research question or hypothesis,...